What everyone needs to know about resume formats

Do you get angry when nothing looks right when you submit your resume online? 99% of the resumes I create for my clients are created in color with exact formatting using borders, lines, bullets, or other text enhancements. Why would I go through all the trouble if we are going to run into online applications that distort the text, trash the enhancements, and make everything look messy? The presentation resume has its purpose but you need another kind of resume for applying online.

Two kinds of resumes – text and formatted

The reality is that you need both the formatted resume and a text version of the resume to succeed in today’s job search. I detail the steps to the online application’s text version here.

But though I believe and coach my clients to follow directions, I also firmly believe that online applications alone will not get you a job offer! Yes, I know that some people may luck out because their online application makes it through the system and fits all the keyword accomplishments and it triggers an interview. But for the majority of job applicants, if this is the ONLY strategy they are using, they will fail!

A successful job search in today’s market requires networking!

I also know that the majority of job seekers:

  • don’t want to network
  • don’t think they have a network
  • don’t know how to network
  • or all of the above

Networking is, however, a necessity to speed up your job search, land interviews, and get job offers. So, let’s get you started.  If you take that formatted resume and start searching connections to the company’s that you would like to work for on Google and LinkedIn, you will begin to see how your world can connect with people who can help you to get the job.

Networking takes many forms

You don’t need to go to networking meetings, you can begin networking with online connections, but at some point you need to take it to the next level and initiate phone contact, e-mail contact, schedule informational interviews, and meet in person.

You never shove that well-formatted resume into the hands of your network contact, but it sure does come in handy when some asks, “Can you e-mail me your resume?” or “bring your resume with you to our lunch today.” Your formatted resume created in Microsoft Word will help you convey the value you bring to the table. It is the marketing piece that demonstrates how your accomplishments and qualifications match the needs of the hiring organization.

My sales and sale management clients get this easily. They understand the value of marketing strategies. They also know how to network and most of the time, they are the first ones to land new positions and negotiate higher salaries and better benefits. But they don’t live in an exclusive club.

You too can learn how to network, be confident with a great formatted resume, and know how to submit those pesky online applications. You just have to treat your job search as a job where you are the product!

To get your career or job search launched with an outstanding resume and targeted career marketing strategies, simply click here!

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

Here are ways I can help you land your dream job.

You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.