3 Ways to Hurdle over your Job Search Obstacles

3 Ways to Hurdle over your Job Search Obstacles

What do dogs have to do with job search obstacles?

The photo is my dog, Buddy and Buddy’s trainer, Heide Maxwell from Heide’s Pet Care. Heide is just starting Buddy, my GermanShepherd on these hurdles and I know we can look forward to Buddy being able to jump!

When we set up the hurdle in my office, a fully carpeted 25×12 foot room, I didn’t even try to jump over.

Buddy tried to go around and even under the hurdle, anything to avoid actually making the jump. But by the end of the hour, he jumped over several times.

Why do people avoid Job Search Obstacles

Job seekers often try to avoid job search obstacles and do anything to avoid hurdling over them. Like Buddy, it is tempting to try to find a way around them or under them.

Point & Click Job Search Tactics

Job Search Obstacle # 1: Regular readers have heard me talk about the point and click strategy.  To succeed you need  to hurdle over the point and click strategy. Use and grow your network to help find connections to the right people in the company you want. However, more people duck and run to the easy online option or better yet, only email applications.

Avoid LinkedIn and other online tools for Job Search

Think .... slowCareer Search Obstacle #2: Instead of jumping over the fears of being online, you duck for cover and avoid LinkedIn. Successful job seekers use LinkedIn and other social media tools to shorten and enhance their job search.

Lack of interview preparation or research

Career Search Obstacle #3: After you land an interview, many people fail to prepare for the interview by learning all they can about the company, the interviewer, and the job itself.

You have the internet… that’s why they invented Google!

Start with the company website and take it to the next level, check them out on LinkedIn. Next, do a general Google search and follow links for the first three pages of Google and see what the non-company references to the company say.

Figure out the people interviewing you by using LinkedIn and the company website to learn who might be the interviewer for the department.

Get the idea? Start hurdling over your career search obstacles and if you don’t know how, hire me.

Resume Design and Job Seeking Tips

Here are Design Resumes' latest articles on job search, resume design, resume writing, and Linkedin optimization articles I've written.

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

Here are ways I can help you land your dream job.

You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.