Top 7 reasons your resume is not working

Top 7 reasons your resume is not working

If your resume isn’t working, you may be puzzled why you are not getting calls for interviews. There can be many reasons why your resume isn’t working. Today’s post will highlight some of them.

7 answers to why your resume is not working

  1. There are no accomplishments. Solution? Add Success or Super Stories!
  2. Missing the keywords that fit your job search target. Add Keywords.
  3. Old stale format. Resume information and formats change. Update your resume.
  4. Don’t know how to deal with the gaps on your resume. Use these solutions.
  5. one page and you left out all the content. Don’t use a one page resume when you need more.
  6. Tiny font. You need to create a resume people can actually read.
  7. Multiple jobs. How to not look like a job hopper.

If your resume is not working, you study resumes that work.

For a resume and/or cover letter to be effective, they have to tell the story of what talents the job seeker brings to the job. Most resumes and cover letters fall far short of explaining the value but rather focus only on a job description. This throws you into a job search without the tools to win the job.

The confusion lies in thinking a resume is a litany of what you have done, a list of duties, but that doesn’t prove value. Value is proven by capturing the stories that take the reader beyond the duties to what would make you a good fit.

If you are trying to go it alone, maybe it is time to ask an expert who has helped thousands of people create resumes that resonate with value.

Julie Walraven is a triple-certified resume writer whose interactive coaching style helps job seekers earn winning positions when she creates tactical resumes and LinkedIn profiles to market you for success. Learn more here.

Photo Credit: Yolanda DeLoach

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

Here are ways I can help you land your dream job.

You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.