Expand job search strategies beyond ATS job postings

One of the most frustrating moments as a career professional is knowing that even armed with an excellent resume, job seekers stick to job postings on Applicant Tracking System (ATS)-based websites as their primary search strategy. The job seeker is so honed into the ATS concept that they worry more about getting the ATS system right than marketing themselves.

In 2019, people could be more successful responding to job postings if they had the right qualities because there was very low unemployment and employers were desperate to find qualified candidates. Today, because of the coronavirus, unemployment has swung dramatically in the opposite direction.

How to go beyond ATS job postings

  • Identify your target companies and your ideal role.
  • Hone in on who the decision-makers are for each company.
  • Do your homework on the company.
  • Set up informational interviews with employees via Zoom.
  • Contact the decision-maker via the phone.

How to leave job postings mentality to job search successfully

If you rely only on the job postings mentality, your job search will last much longer. I preach this to every client but I know that it is hard to resist the pull of the job posting mentality.

If it isn’t posted, there isn’t a job, right? Wrong!

One of the most recent job-winning clients let me know that he landed his new C-Suite role. The job was CREATED for him! He said:

I know their people pretty well and their CEO called when he heard I was available. That started the whirlwind.  🙂

This is just one of the successful job-winning clients this year. But you don’t have to have a position created for you, you just need to make sure someone in the position of making a decision knows your value.

New Job Search Program to help you win

I use multiple tools to help job seekers win new roles. My packages include services and products from my career industry partners that have been carefully chosen to maximize the job seeker’s success rate. The newest tool in my arsenal of job search tools is the Job Search Program created by Jason Alba in the summer of 2019. Ultimate clients have been using this program since last July. However, this 6 week daily audio job search program has been added to all three of my packages in July 2020.

This is the basis of the program:

6 weeks. 7 days a week. 42 days.

The Job Search Program includes:

  • Daily audio training to help you know what and how to do each day
  • A transcript so you don’t need to worry about taking notes
  • A list of three daily tasks for every day
  • An accountability system
  • Plus additional relevant resources!

You can read how to do all of the things mentioned above on various websites, articles, in books, etc. But the value of this course is that you’ll get specific tasks, every day, for six weeks. This program was designed based on best-practice principles for job seekers.

Get out of the job posting mentality and move toward success. As a professional resume writer, I work with you to develop an outstanding, value-filled resume and LinkedIn profile to fit your ideal job targets. Then I coach you to better use LinkedIn and how to identify opportunities beyond job postings. The Job Search Program adds one more asset to your search.

If you are struggling in your job search, maybe it is time to invest in yourself. Learn more.

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

Here are ways I can help you land your dream job.

You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.