How did you help someone this week?

Every day you probably have 10 or more opportunities to help someone. Do you use those opportunities?

While this is a career-focused blog, I find that people who practice kindness are generally healthier and happier. In addition, I believe in the concept coined by Harvey MacKay of "digging your well, before you are thirsty."

When I discuss the concept of networking with people, some of them draw a blank. The concept of digging your well is based on nurturing your network, which in essence is helping someone else.

Everyone downgrades social media and often rightly so but I still see hundreds of opportunities to help someone else on social media. Some days a kind word is all someone needs to change their focus.

Ask yourself how did I help someone this week?

What opportunities did you let slide by that could have been a help to another person?

  • Is your garden overflowing? Find someone who would enjoy some fresh vegetables?
  • Does your closet need cleaning? Do you have way too many sets of sheets in perfect condition? Selected three sets to donate so the linen closet is less crowded.
  • Do you know many authors or creators? Buy their products and leave a review.
  • Perhaps you love dogs, the Humane Society could always use someone who will walk the dogs.
  • Share someone's writing, writers always like an audience. It isn't hard on social media.
  • Like to read? Donate time in the Children's library or at a nursing home reading out loud.
  • If you love to shop, take your elderly neighbor out with you.
  • Find someone who would enjoy going out for coffee and bring them with you.
  • If you have great organizational skills, help the new mother with organizing her home.

If you help someone every day, you might find health benefits

  • Helping others is beneficial for your own mental health and wellbeing.
  • If you help others, you can reduce your stress, improve your emotional wellbeing, and even benefit your physical health.
  • Helping others brings a sense of belonging and reduces isolation.
  • My favorite - It helps make the world a happier place - it's contagious!

As you think about how you can help others, recognize that those opportunities make the world a better place and give you a chance to build better networks. One of my favorite parts of my work is seeing clients help each other. Learn more about how I can coach you to be more effective in your networking.

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

Here are ways I can help you land your dream job.

You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.