Best Job Search timing: When should I look for a resume writer?

What is the best job search timing?

When you want something, you want it NOW! Even though a job seeker may know the best job search timing is to be prepared with a resume and quality LinkedIn profile, 88% of job seekers will not plan ahead.

The majority of job seekers are employed or in their own business. As they start to look for new opportunities, they realize quality career marketing (resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn profiles) take time.

This is where it breaks down. 40% of people think about hiring a professional but first they try to do it themselves. If they do even a bit of research on career sites, they realize their homemade resume doesn’t market them.

Next, they think about hiring a professional resume writer again

Suddenly, something happens, you lose your job or all your Do It Yourself (DIY) tries fail and you hunt for another career pro.

60% or more people never realized there are career professionals. It doesn’t occur to them that they should hire a pro to write their resume.

Job seeker assumptions about job search timing

They assume if they call a career pro, one of four things will happen:

  1. The career pro will be able to whip up a new resume within 24 hours.
  2. There will be an open appointment for them that day.
  3. They will not have to make a commitment to the process or provide any input.
  4. The career pro can just fix all the wrong things in a flash and they can use the resume tomorrow.

All of these job search timing assumptions are wrong!

Resume writers need time to carefully craft a strategy as well as the accompanying resume, LinkedIn profile, and cover letter to help the individual job seeker meet the goal. One size does not fit all. Too many people try to use old strategies in their job search.

Highly qualified professional resume writers are busy. Best Job Search Timing? Plan ahead to book time with the resume writer you select.

Think resume writers have magic wands and the job seeker doesn’t need to participate in the process. Some job seekers think they drop off their resume to be repaired and that is it.

No, resume writing is an investigative process as the resume writer sifts through your information, asks you pointed questions, and builds an understanding of your career goals. After this research, the resume writer crafts the resume, LinkedIn profile, cover letter, and other career marketing documents to fit your particular needs.

Best job search timing means waiting for quality

Some job seekers send their really bad resume that didn’t work for them and expect a good resume writer to quickly fix it.

At Design Resumes, I start from scratch. I use your old resume only for information and details about your work. If it wasn’t working before, what makes you think we can just tweak it?

If you are ready to get going on your job search, contact me to ensure your project will be top-notch and effective in your job search.

Julie Walraven’s unique LIVE writing and coaching process can help you achieve results through the Design Resumes personalized job search and resume writing  strategy that takes the mystery out of the process. To find out how, simply click here!

Photo credit: malikjordancomedy and niekverlaan on Pixabay

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

Here are ways I can help you land your dream job.

You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.