How to improve success in online meetings

Are your online meetings successful? Is your concentration slipping? Today’s world provides many distractions that can cause you to lose focus or concentration. Many articles have been written about electronic technology that disrupts normal conversation.

Do you lose focus in online meetings?

My business model is a live and interactive process for writing and coaching frequently conducted in online meetings over video technology.

You may find that job interviews, coaching sessions, and business meetings are also conducted in online meetings with remote video technology. You will need to stay focused on the topic at hand and minimize distractions.

Perhaps you haven’t given much thought to things that can easily make an online meeting (or an in-person meeting) go bad or become nonproductive, let me point out a few of them:

  • Phone calls
  • Texts and Facebook Messages
  • Dogs Barking
  • Babies Crying
  • Eating during meetings
  • Television
  • Multiple monitors
  • Family members interrupting
  • Music
  • Fidgeting
  • Bunny trailing
  • Life stories

What you can do to improve concentration during online meetings

  1. Turn off or mute technology (Phones, tablets, televisions, and radios, or even extra monitors if they are not part of the session)
  2. Make sure your dog is settled or out of the room (As someone who has a German Shepherd as an office companion, I know that can be easier said than done. Most of the time Buddy is quiet during client appointments but sometimes squirrels seem to keep bugging him or he is extra hungry)
  3. If you are in a client meeting, have someone else watch your child. There may still be background noise but just having someone else there to meet their needs helps.
  4. Train other family members to stay out of the room when you are in a meeting or interview.
  5. Learn to relax. When the video is being used, the people on the other end of the call see and hear everything. Don’t bite your nails, click pens, or tap your feet.
  6. Eating should be obvious. I eat before or after client sessions. I may have water or coffee with me but overall, you are better off to eat before or after meetings.
  7. If you are a storyteller, rein it in. Keep the meeting on topic.
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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

Here are ways I can help you land your dream job.

You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.