Hate calendar apps? Embrace improved scheduling

Why I love calendar apps

After years of playing tag on the phone or email with people when trying to find a time to meet, I love my calendar app, Calendly. It is the first calendar or scheduling tool I used.

If you schedule an appointment with me on Calendly to write your resume, that's your time. I make sure I am available and uninterrupted. I use Calendly whether it is a client appointment, a prospect call, or even a meeting for lunch with a friend.

In April 2015, I put Calendly in place and started using it with clients. I made adjustments to avoid overbooking but other than that, it worked smoothly ever since.

Clients schedule while I am sleeping

Yes, clients schedule while I am sleeping. They schedule appointments while I am with other clients, at church, out to dinner, and taking a walk. With Calendly, it chooses their time zone so we don't have the confusion of central or eastern or was that Pacific?

Calendly is convenient and easy to use. Many clients schedule all of their appointments for their full resume package at once.

Should you pick up the phone to schedule an appointment?

At one point, this was how you did it. Prior to telephones, you sent invitations in the mail. When there was no mail, people used Pony Express or personally delivered their invitations.

Today, you can still use the phone or you can email, but both of those options can result in a game of tag. Tag, you're it! It may take several days before you settle on a time.

I think phone calls are still critical. However, today everyone is bombarded with spam even on cell phones. Many individuals don't pick up calls.

I want to talk to my clients and prospective clients but I am not always available and I get so many hang-up calls. The calendar apps save time.

Stop hating calendar apps

Should you still use the phone?

However, there are calls you should make on the phone. For example, important calls to hiring managers should be done through the phone. Doing research on a company can start on the computer but finding out specifics about the job before you apply works best in a phone call.

What is the argument against calendar apps?

Frankly, the only argument I have seen is that some people don't like them. Some call it impersonal but many things are impersonal, email and voicemail can be impersonal too.

I'm probably just venting while writing this article but I want people I work with to be comfortable using my Calendar app and feel valued.

If you would like to talk with me about working together, I offer three ways to reach out to me on my new Contact page. Hope to hear from you soon!

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

Here are ways I can help you land your dream job.

You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.