What should I post on LinkedIn?

One of the most common questions I get when I am coaching clients on LinkedIn is:

What should I post on LinkedIn?

It seems to be a mystery for some to figure out best practices on how to post on LinkedIn but it can be much simpler if you think about these questions:

  • What is my area of expertise and how can I share it?
  • How can I help someone today?
  • Who has inspired me today?

What is my area of expertise and how can I share it?

By the time I work with a client on their LinkedIn profile, I have a solid understanding of their field, industry, and career path. I understand their area of expertise.

If you are a Senior Vice President of Finance in Technology, you want to position that unique brand of how finance plays a critical role in the technology industry. Share your challenges and triumphs. You don’t have to get specific with confidential information but you can position yourself as an expert in this space.

By continuing to represent in your area of expertise, you bring your specific skillsets to the forefront to be acknowledged by your peers. Whether your field is Digital Transformation, Customer Experience, Product Development, Sales & Marketing, or Creative Production, you will benefit by speaking about your field and sharing your expertise when you post on LinkedIn.

How can I help someone today?

Look for someone you can help each day. If this becomes your job on Linkedin, you will find your network growing. I can guarantee you will brighten someone’s day by sharing their message, commenting on their content, or encouraging someone who could just use a positive note.

Who has inspired me today?

In your perusal of LinkedIn home page, you will find people who inspire you with their own specific brand of content. I often find people who inspire me through other people who have inspired me in the past. When speaking with clients and coaching on how to find good content on LinkedIn, I often point them to some of my favorites:

  • Joe Jacobi wins every time because I have had the pleasure of knowing him in person as well as online. He runs true to his brand of helping leaders and teams perform their best without compromising their lives. Joe’s example of great content (I love his use of video) and his ability to make everyone feel special with his comments.
  • Brent Pohlman is another friend that I have known for a while but his videos from his daily run show his faith walk and I am happy he shares his inspirational talks based on Scripture.
  • Joon Chang is new to me this year. I found him via Joe Jacobi but I have enjoyed his unique brand of sharing, currently focused on specific words, such as Mental Toughness. His wisdom and personal sharing shines through his posts.
  • Andy Foote shares his LinkedIn expertise daily and I have learned much by reading his content. Despite the fact that I am in and out of LinkedIn daily, Andy’s deep understanding of the algorithms and LinkedIn analytics continue to educate me. He is incredibly generous with his advice too.
  • Susan Joyce is another person that I would be remiss if I left out of the people who inspire me. Well known in the career industry and another person I was privileged to meet in person, Susan’s Job-Hunt.org is an incredible resource for job seekers. She generously shares information on all social media platforms.

I often share content from one or more of these individuals because they do inspire me.

How can you be successful with what you post on LinkedIn?

  1. Be sincere
  2. Show up daily or at least several times a week
  3. Care about others
  4. Show your expertise and use it to help someone better understand your industry and field

If you need help on your career journey, spend some time checking out my services. 

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

Here are ways I can help you land your dream job.

You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.