When you have to bite the bullet and invest
I know. You want to hang on to your hard-earned dollars. You don’t want to invest in something else.
Your dollars fly away fast enough by themselves.
Invest can mean many things
I feel like I am investing in my future all the time lately and some of those investments aren’t panning out so well.
This year puts me in replacement mode. One of my monitors was acting up. It was the small one so I moved one of the other ones into its slot and bought a new one.
This was the tip of the iceberg. Next we noticed that it was smelling damp in the basement. I asked my husband when he emptied the dehumidifier last. He said it wasn’t working. Hadn’t worked for six months. I didn’t notice. Yes, we had to invest in a new dehumidifier. The basement smells good again.
It’s like a snowball
For my 25-year-old stove to heat, you push in the burners before you turn it on. Our only 6-year-old TV started to pixellate with periodic lines across it. The on/off switch on the less than four-year-old washing machine broke the other day, the part is $100+. The car needs a repair because it suddenly surges on its own, revving the engine and willing itself to crash into cars at stop lights. My cell phone won’t charge unless I wiggle it just right on only one charger (the rest don’t charge it). I feel like my appliances and devices had a meeting and went on revolt.
If that isn’t enough, two weeks ago my website started hitting resource limits and my host sent notices that it would be shut off until the next day. Their awesome customer service people kept it running for me but it almost crashed 5 times. This website drives my business. I know how Amazon felt last week when it was attacked.
To deal with that problem, last week I upgraded the site to the next level and moved one of outside the domains to my host to put the domain and host in the same place. The process and reconfiguration took time and I did it alone. The domain finally got sorted yesterday and then I realized that the emails were not getting through. It took me another day to figure out that I needed to switch one more DNS setting.
Waiting to remodel my kitchen for 24 years
Part of the reason I work so hard in my business (6 days a week for several years) is to try to reach my goals. My biggest goal is a new kitchen. We bought the house to remodel. Now we are on round two of some things. Second furnace, second gas fireplace, even the decks we built need reconstruction. I wanted the kitchen in 1992. But something else needed the money, always. I love to cook. I am getting older.
What are you waiting for?
What is stopping you from reaching your goals? I have to figure out how to invest in all these repairs and replacements. For now, I stall ones I can live without and fix the necessities. I have a plan for the kitchen. Though it means I will need to work for many more years, I will reach my goals.
Prospective clients worry about investing in their career. Funny, how that is. Career marketing investments help you reach your career goals (new job, promotion) so you can reach your other goals.
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You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.