You will get used to the new normal even in crisis

We are in a time of upheaval right now with the coronavirus crisis. However, you will get used to this new normal if you work on it.

What is the new normal?

Some of you have never worked from home before and you can’t imagine how you can carry on without going to the office. But this is the way forward right now and I assure you, you will learn and adapt.

How do I know? My whole business for the past 10 years has been driven by video technology. Ten years ago, I transitioned from a mostly local business to an almost wholly virtual business with clients throughout the United States with others as far away as Saudi Arabi, UK, Greece, Germany, and even some in the Far East.

My marketing team is also remote with Marketing RoadMaps, my marketing consultant in Las Vegas and Limonade, my web development team in Puerto Rico.

But I learned virtual business in 2010 from my first marketing coach, Jim Connolly in the UK. I studied his blog for more than a year before I made the leap to drop everything outside of the career industry and hone my skills in this unique space. It was my own career redirection.

How working from home is my new normal

I can tell you that compared to 10 years ago, video technology has evolved to be almost seamless. I use Zoom for three to four client meetings per day. This has been my new normal.

In addition, I can tell you I thrived. The career side of my business was barely hitting $10K a year back in 2009 but once it became my sole focus, it grew and continues to grow. Design Resumes just became Design Resumes LLC because of that growth.

I coach finance, technology, retail, luxury goods, CPG, insurance, and healthcare directors, vice presidents and C-Suite executives how to position themselves in the market. As we write their resume in real-time in those Zoom meetings, create robust LinkedIn profiles and teach them how to market with a networking style, my clients are able to reach their career goals.

With the use of multiple career marketing tools and services, my clients are well-positioned to win new jobs because they invested in expert help (Resume Samples.)The most recent winners:

Design Resumes Client Success

  • Director of Treasury and Risk Management, Health Insurance, Wisconsin
  • Diversity Officer, Government, State of New Jersey
  • Senior Director, Customer Security Assurance and Third-Party Risk, Technology, Georgia
  • Vice President, Product-to-Market, CPG, Wisconsin
  • Senior Process Governance Specialist, Technology, New Jersey
  • Managing Director, USA, Fashion, Connecticut
  • President | Chief Operating Officer, CPG, Michigan
  • Director of Marketing and Portal Access, Technology, Washington DC
  • Operations Manager, Water Technologies, California

If I hadn’t accepted my new normal

By transitioning my business to virtual, I expanded my ability to help more people and provide a path to their new careers. I started rebuilding my business in late 2009 just at the height of the recession. People were scared then too and investing in career services was a hard decision but the ones that did it, quickly learned that they had an advantage over the job seekers struggling to win in a tough economy.

You can find ways to make this new normal work for you too. Here are some ideas for you from Jim Connolly on how to improve your cash flow starting today. His local business association asked for ideas for the many businesses hit by this crisis. He provides ideas for owners of restaurants, hair salons, retail, and more. He also suggests working virtually, he was working virtually when I met him. At the time, based in the UK, 85% of his clients were in the US.

I want you to recognize that you can do it too. You can find your new normal. Work from home, help your children adjust to a new type of online learning, and find ways to thrive.

Stay positive! If you are ready to take the next step in your career, learn more here.

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

Here are ways I can help you land your dream job.

You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.