Are you shutting the door on job search success?

Are you shutting the door on job search success?Looking for job search success? When your focus in life is on what is going wrong in your life, you miss many opportunities to succeed. If you are in a job search mode and you have that focus, you will find yourself struggling.

Why do people tune job seekers out when the person needs their help?

Negativity breeds negativity. Sometimes you feel like no one is listening to you when you vent. Perhaps you are focusing on the negativity so much that you aren’t noticing that all of your communication is filled with complaints.

As a career professional, I am connected to people on so many different platforms, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google +, and others. I read status from the perspective of a career professional, especially when I know someone is in job search mode.

I hear people complaining that no one is listening, nothing is happening but look at the vibe you are giving out.

Are you getting in the way of your job search success?

There are times when your perception of life and yourself is in the way of job search success. You may not be at the end of your rope but you may need to take a step back and see yourself from another perspective.

Read your Twitter  or Facebook timelines. Would you be attracted or repelled by the comments and persona you see projected?

If you find that you are generating a negative image, start finding ways to inject the positive into your life to improve your job search success.

The person you project in conversation and online will bring you results.  If you find that those are negative results or you feel ignored, then it is time to look over what you are saying.

When you are at the end of your rope

There are times when you really do need to seek help. When a client shares with me that they are seriously struggling, I recommend counselors because though I coach job seekers, I am not a trained counselor who can help solve other issues.

You can find resources, either paid or free, to help you get through the rough times. I urge you to do this if you are constantly struggling with life.

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Land your next role! I am the pioneer of unique resume writing services and strategy. I use interactive live writing and coaching sessions to capture your value. This positions you for success in your resume, on LinkedIn, and throughout your job search. I help bring out your passion and stories to dig deep into your experiences with you. Learn more here

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at


  1. Thomas on July 9, 2013 at 5:49 pm

    Thank You, Great advice. I’ve been in job seeker mode too long.

    • Julie Walraven on July 9, 2013 at 6:07 pm

      Thanks, Thomas, Hopefully, the other resources here can be of help to you! Thanks for stopping by!

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

Here are ways I can help you land your dream job.

You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.