Make sure your job search advice is correct!

Think about where you get your job search advice! Periodically, I receive requests from people who want a link to their blog or share content on my site. One of the latest was someone who wanted to me to share a link about resumes so he would get traffic for his office space rental blog.

The request even sounded genuine as if he thought my readers would really like his content. The title was intriguing: “7 Things you should always include on your resume.”

Wrong job search advice, wrong results

The problem was that at best the list was basic and dated and at worst it was wrong. His #7 was to always include references on your resume. This goes against everything I tell my clients and certainly is not something I recommend to my readers. I explained everything you need to know about references here.

Your references are essential to your job search but they never belong on the resume itself unless you have a very unique request from an employer. Your references below on a totally separate page and as I said in the post referenced above:

When should I submit my references?

The first part of this answer is to follow directions. If you are asked to provide references in an email submission or snail mail submission, include them. If you are asked to provide them in an online application, provide them.

However, you should not send them every time you send your resume. Your references are being generous with their offer to give you a reference.

Watch where you are getting your job search advice!

Here’s the real problem. Job search and resume writing are hot topics. It is easy for non-career pros to think that if they put up a job search or resume writing post, it will bring traffic to their site.

The danger for the reader and the danger for me if I linked to this post is that job seekers would be getting wrong advice and it would look like it was endorsed by me. Design Resumes readers deserve more. Advice you read here has to meet career industry professional standards to assure you will be successful in your job search.

You can find bad job search advice, ineffective advice, and just plain wrong advice all over the web.

But when I endorse someone’s advice, it needs to be accurate, top-notch, and something that will benefit job seekers.

Many trusted colleagues I do trust because they are career industry professionals just like me rather than some random person looking for link love.  You can trust when you read it here, it will help you in your job search!

Julie Walraven’s unique LIVE writing and coaching process can help you achieve results through the Design Resumes personalized job search and resume writing  strategy that takes the mystery out of the process. To find out how, simply click here!

Photo credit: Pixabay Malikjordancomedy and keshanaidu

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

Here are ways I can help you land your dream job.

You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.