How to fix a Broken Job Search Strategy

I’ve been fighting this battle with my mouse lately. I use a wireless mouse and keyboard to enhance my laptop.

My mouse allows me to write faster and navigate the pages and sites I need as a professional resume writer and career marketing strategist.

Broken Tools! My mouse is naughty!

I changed batteries, changed the mouse pad (temporarily to a book), changed the speed, downloaded new drivers, cleaned it, and even blew air at it. Nope! it is still naughty.

It won’t go where I want, moves things where I don’t want to go. The mouse slows me down. I can’t drag things; it picks up things I didn’t mean to touch. Frankly, I live on technology. I use my computer 24/7 (all right ~ 18/7) I do sleep sometimes.

When I hit this level of technology problems, I can call in an expert, or I can buy new tools. I’m not at either point yet. But I am annoyed. I need my tools to help me do my job and to help me communicate.

Broken Tools or do you have a broken job search strategy?

When a job seeker uses a resume that doesn’t contain the right strategies, keywords, and accomplishments, he too looks less competent than he is.

The job seeker can struggle with it, fight with it, and rewrite. Sometimes it will work. A resume is a tool that helps you get the job done. It is a tool to help you get a job. You want it to work for you, you want it to work the right way. Moreover, you don’t want to waste time getting it to work. If your resume is part of a broken job search strategy, you will struggle to target the jobs you really want.

There comes a point when you need an expert, but you put it off because you are not sure the investment is worth it.

I fought the mouse problem for over a week. How much time and energy did I waste? How much time and energy have you wasted using a broken job search strategy? When will you be annoyed enough to ask an expert?


  1. Melissa on February 25, 2010 at 9:51 pm

    Excellent analogy, Julie! I think part of what is hard for some people to overcome is the idea of “I know how to write. How hard can this be?”

    Well, I know how to drive, too, but if my minivan starts having issues, I’m not going to fix it myself! I leave that to the experts (as do most people).

    It’s just a matter of getting folks to view resumes and the job search in the same way.
    .-= Melissa´s last blog ..Blog Review — JibberJobber Blog =-.

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

Here are ways I can help you land your dream job.

You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.