The Christmas Roast – Prime Rib

IMG_1039IMG_1040IMG_1035Just for fun today, I thought I would tell you our Christmas tradition and the recipe that goes with it.

When I married into the family, I learned that Christmas dinner at the Walraven’s was always Prime Rib.

Making the Christmas Roast

At first, the Christmas dinner was always at my father-in-law and mother-in-law’s house. As time went on, it moved to our house and I was put in charge of the Christmas Roast. I love to cook so that’s fine.

I’m a cook who likes to play and you never know what I might do next. New recipes, new spices, new foods, new flavors… and my sons and their friends have been enthusiastic experimenters right with me.

However, my father-in-law also loves to cook and though he will experiment, he is the one in charge. For the Christmas Roast, I need to follow directions and those evolved over the years. There are some things we both agree on which makes it easier.

Don’t forget the garlic

Both of us agree that garlic is an essential ingredient. Grampa, however, is a salt and pepper guy so I can’t play with spices on the Christmas Roast. Grampa removed a layer of fat for me prior to it getting to our house but I was instructed to use that layer of fat and I did. Here are the finished photos and then I will give you the pointers.

IMG_1042The Christmas Roast

14 pounds of boneless rib roast

20+ cloves of garlic

salt & pepper


  • Using a sharp knife, poke random holes throughout the roast.
  • Cut slivers of peeled garlic cloves and insert into the holes, pushing them in so they don’t stick out and burn.
  • Salt and pepper the roast to taste.
  • Preheat your oven for 500 degrees F.
  • Put a layer of fat back on the roast and roast for 15 minutes to seal the roast and keep the juices in.
  • Reduce the oven heat to 250 degrees F. Insert meat thermometer which is your guide (not the timer)
  • Check the thermometer regularly to make sure it doesn’t get overdone. When the desired doneness is reached, give the roast 20 to 30 minutes of standing time to seal the juices in before slicing.

This roast made wonderful gravy and was served with mashed potatoes and squash.

I lowered the temp and cut the projected time by over an hour but Grampa still didn’t get his rare to medium-rare slice. However, he did agree that the flavor was wonderful.

Since my husband had to go get Grampa, the timing was set for a 4 pm dinner. I pulled the roast before 3pm. If you look at the pictures, I believe that the bones factored into the roast cooking faster than predicted.

Every roast is a little different so keep these factors in mind as you prepare your next roast for Christmas or another special holiday.

What lessons can we apply to careers from the Christmas roast episode?

  • No matter how carefully you prepare and follow directions, factors may intervene that change things. You may need to adjust. Being prepared to adjust is half the battle.
  • I recommend my clients update their resume every 3 to 5 years and keep Post-its or other notes either electronically or in their folder to keep track of accomplishments.
  • By keeping notes, if the timing changes and you are forced to look for a new position sooner than you planned, your notes remind you of your accomplishments and successes.
  • In today’s job search, being prepared also means being purposeful in your job search using social media. Your LinkedIn profile should be ready, both to give recruiters and hiring managers a place to search and also give you a concentrated way of building your network.
  • Building your network on Facebook and Twitter is also beneficial to a potential unplanned change in your career. If you want to join me on Twitter or Facebook, search for Julie Walraven.
  • Facebook page for Design Resumes is also a great place to get more information or recipes for the successful use of social media in the job search and overall career management strategies.

Yes, you may need to tweak the recipe to fit your particular needs, but in the end, you will end up successful.

If you are ready to start your career journey, learn how I can be your guide here.


  1. Davina on January 4, 2010 at 12:34 am

    When I saw the picture of the roast in my reader I clicked through to your blog real fast. This looks delicious and what a nice change from turkey. I’m thinking this might be on my table next Christmas. Great segway into talking about business BTW 🙂

  2. Julie on January 4, 2010 at 12:41 pm

    Thanks, Davina… I could just periodically post recipes because that is a part of who I am but I figure it helps to connect it to the other part of me. A good friend who was a pastor at the time, told me that the children’s sermons are for the adults. The children are props to get the adults to understand a message better. Sometimes we listen better to messages that aren’t directed to us. We tune out topics that seem same old to us. A new twist and the message makes sense.

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

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