The impact of what you say online

Do you think about what you say online? We have moved into a very communicative age. You can talk on so many different platforms with a click of a button.

How politics changed with the advent of social media

The United States and my home state of Wisconsin has had one of the most volatile election periods in recent history. Social media certainly had an effect on the conversation and most likely on the level of confrontation.

I can’t tell you how many people say they have been perplexed or upset by things that they read on social media. Some people have “unfriended” or stopped following people.

They would have stayed connected if it weren’t for the political conversations and the level of meanness shared. Others left social media or never joined it because friends were leaving messages or comments that hurt them. Perhaps, they didn’t trust themselves to not be mean or say snarky things that people could take wrong.

What’s your social media agenda?

Potentially, if you are trying to make an impact with social media for your cause or political party, social media is a powerful tool. However, its power is a two-edged sword. You may be able to spread a message far and wide very rapidly but it also leaves a trail.

What you say online impacts your job search

Experts and even educators have been preachy to youth to be careful what you post online for years. Whenever I bring up social media when I teach classes, there is a baseline for understanding the impact of improper photos from parties.

We now see more and more information about the impact of cyber-bullying on people. You may not be reaching this level of social media content where you are deliberately trying to hurt someone else.

However, you have no idea how someone perceives what you say. Many people will never tell you that your words hurt them but they did.

As you determine whether and how to use social media, understand that your political or religious stand will clash with someone. If you come on too strong, you could jeopardize the relationship with a network contact or a potential employer.

I love social media and I love the impact it can have but I know withheld comments and not shared things because I want my connections to be willing to talk with me.

This doesn’t mean I don’t have an opinion, I just don’t want to lose connections because of my opinions.

You may want to think about the end result and decide how strong you want to come out for your cause if that isn’t your only agenda or if your agenda is to grow business or job search networks.

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  1. BinaBesiege on December 3, 2012 at 12:44 am

    Great post! I think it is really important to be honest and truthful in your online presence. I have seen some fake promises in the resume’s and they really break your heart. I have been hiring people virtually for quite some time and with great results! but you know like every thing else there are exceptions

  2. Julie Walraven on December 3, 2012 at 6:16 am

    Thank you for stopping back! I agree about honesty and truthfulness both online and in real life, which should be an underlying attribute in everyone.

  3. Charlie on the PA Turnpike on December 7, 2012 at 1:26 pm

    I started my social media precence with a pseudonym so I could speak my mind without fear of employer retribution. In the last few years I’ve let it go idle, but I am seriously considering returning, so I can speak my mind. I may not be able to provide counter arguments to the people I know in real life (my pen name was unknown to my friends), but I can at least get some satisfaction in making my thoughts known.

    • Julie Walraven on December 7, 2012 at 2:05 pm

      It looks like you resurrected it, Charlie, because you appear as a cartoon and without a real name. I guess anyone can do that but if someone who would be concerned about what you are saying (like an employer) figures it out, there can be consequences. There are some people whose brand is to speak their mind. They target market like minds and then they don’t have to worry. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Qnary (@qnary) on December 20, 2012 at 8:17 pm

    Be aware of what you are saying on social networks and the content that you are posting. You never know who is looking at your profile and how it may affect you in the future. Be sure to also use privacy settings on your social media profiles so that you know who is looking at your profile.

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Julie Walraven

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