5 basic ingredients to maximize career change

Ready to maximize career change and find that new role you seek?

In talking about maximize career change in today’s job search, there are many more options than ever before.

Maximize career change with a quality LinkedIn Profile

One of the first questions I ask people who inquire about working with me is if they already have a LinkedIn profile if I haven’t already discovered their profile. There are still people who don’t. In addition, your LinkedIn profile should be optimized with details (not job description details) of how you:

  • solved problems
  • grew revenue
  • increased sales
  • improved productivity
  • led implementation of new enterprise systems
  • instituted culture change
  • motivated staff
  • creating new training programs
  • improved onboarding effectiveness

Did you know that your LinkedIn profile (if done right) will be seen by more people than your resume ever will be? It is crucial to do it correctly. As a Certified LinkedIn Profile Writer, I can help you improve your LinkedIn profile

Branded email address

Gmail is evolving into an excellent email management system in addition to being free. Set up an email address with your first and last name (middle initial if that doesn’t work). Personally, I don’t like numbers in email addresses. Inevitably, those emails end up in my spam filters. But you need an email address to apply online. You almost always apply online in some phase of your job search.

Way for hiring managers to reach you by phone in daytime hours

If your cell phone is not allowed at work, that’s ok. Keep it with you anyway and use it during your lunch period. Employers who need to reach you are not going to wait to call you until you get home from work or your errands. Be accessible and have a professional message.

Access to computer daily

Sounds intuitive but many people fail to keep a computer at home even if they work on one all day. Tablets and phones are great but they don’t replace a computer.

Microsoft Word

People will tell you there are other products but 98% of offices use Word. Professional resume writers create resumes in Word because it is the standard in the corporate world and small business world. You can buck the system but this is one of those times you need to use a product that people can read. If you email a Google doc or some other odd format, it will be distorted. Yes, many times you also need a text resume but those start in Word. Once you hit the interview, it still helps to have a well-formatted paper copy with you.

Basic computer skills

You can’t avoid online job search, online applications, or online networking.

Too Basic for your Jobsearch?

These may seem too basic for many of my readers but every day I hear from potential clients who range from professionals to production staff throughout the country who tell me that they don’t have one or all of the above. Perhaps they only use a computer at work, used their work email, or had a company cell phone. Perhaps they have had their position for 15 – 20 years and never needed to worry about a job search before. Whatever the reason, they are struggling.

Computers are going to be part of our lives for the future. You will most likely use one in your next job even if you weren’t using one before. If you are still employed but ready to maximize career change, think about how you would handle a job search.

Need help? Hire me, Julie Walraven, Certified Master Resume Writer. I can take the pain out of writing your resume and even make it fun. We work together to discover those forgotten contributions and position you to win your next role. To find out how, Click Here.


  1. Susan Murphy on July 21, 2011 at 5:45 am

    I love these tips, Julie. Sometimes it’s easy to get lost in the online world, there are so many tools that are supposed to make your job search easier, and often it’s just getting back to basics that’s important. Your tips make it easy for people to do that!

    One thing I wanted to mention about Microsoft Word. That tool is not always available to people, chiefly because of platform isssues (not everyone works on PC and apparently Word for Mac doesn’t function in the newest operating system, Lion.)

    The alternatives, OpenOffice (cross platform and free to install) and Pages for Mac, are good tools that allow you to export to MS Word format easily and maintain the formatting of the document.

    One question I have for you, how does LinkedIn fit into this forumula? Are employers becoming more accepting of people sending links to their LinkedIn profile instead of attaching a document, or is this taboo?

    • Julie Walraven on July 21, 2011 at 6:23 am

      Thanks so much for stopping by, Susan! Your blog and you have been favorites since I started playing on Twitter back in 2008. I know OpenOffice can work but I also know people who have had trouble getting the formating to stick. If you check out my samples, the formatting and color can cause obstacles. Not everyone goes that way with resumes, but at the same time, my clients are getting hired because of the WOW factor. Some writers would say go same old, no color, make it easy but then you blend in.

      I’m sorry to hear that Macs and Word are no longer working together well. Hopefully someone will see the need to fix that glitch.

      LinkedIn…. I think that LI is critical for a job search and Box.net app lets you store your resume up there on LI too so it can be a win-win. Getting an optimized LI profile is a whole new topic. Many people put name, rank and serial number instead of a value-driven LI profile. But it is a key player in job search and has top ranking in Google.

  2. Susie Sharp on July 21, 2011 at 9:33 am

    Julie, I just gave a PowerPoint presentation to a 5 statewide tech conference on optimizing one’s LinkedIn profile. I’m happy to share it with you to see if you find any pearls of wisdom that may be helpful to your audience. 4.2 MB 2007 PPT. Bless you for all the Good Work you do for folks out here.

    Kind regards,

    Susie Sharp
    Cleveland, Ohio

    • Julie Walraven on July 21, 2011 at 12:41 pm

      Thank you, Susie, I would love to see your PowerPoint, you can find my e-mail on the sidebar and me on all my social networks there too. Feel free to connect with me and thank you for the kind thoughts.

  3. Susan P. Joyce on July 21, 2011 at 10:19 am

    SO important to cover these basics, and if people haven’t been in a job search for a while, they might miss these critical (if basic) tools for their job search.

    I know several people who lost access to their LinkedIn accounts when they lost their jobs because the ONLY email address they used on LI was their work email. Add the personal one, too, for insurance!

    Excellent post, Julie!

    • Julie Walraven on July 21, 2011 at 12:39 pm

      Thanks for the great thoughts, Susan. Using work anything is very bad. You never know when it could be grounds for dismissal. Thank you for stopping by!

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

Here are ways I can help you land your dream job.

You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.