3 Tips to help you rock your world or your job search!

Photo by foxspain

I’m going to admit something here. Some days I feel up and some days, well, I don’t. There are days when I really do feel like I am rocking my world. Words are flowing, I have great ideas, and execution is easy. And there are the other kind when I feel like the world is pushing back on me.

If you are honest, I am guessing you feel the same way. Up and down. And some weeks there are more downs than ups. I have a few tips I use:

  1. Exercise — I can hear the groans coming but there is plenty of evidence that exercise and mental health go together. So on days when I feel out of sorts, I try to “make” me exercise. I’m pretty good at being my own drill sergeant.  “Give me 15 push-ups!” or “Ride that exercise bike for 5 minutes.” I love to walk but I don’t always want to walk, so if it is nice enough to walk, sometimes I phone a friend. My friend, Linda, walks with me sometimes but when she doesn’t, sometimes I call her and we talk while I walk. Dawn Bugni and I have had long conversations when I have to get back up my hill to get home. Somehow laughing with Dawn makes the walk easy.
  2. Organization — when we are disorganized, everything can annoy us more. One of my ways of getting organized is to set my Flylady timer for 15 minutes (guys, you can use the microwave timer) and tackle some project that seems to big. Suddenly I have whipped through a pile of files, processed a batch of mail, or cleared my desktop and I feel better.
  3. Time Management — a perpetual list maker, now with colored pens, I find that I accomplish more when I have a list and read it. Those two have to go together. Some days even making the list is hard but when I get the list made and periodically read it and check things off, I get more done.

The challenges of the economy, weather, moods, and family issues all make it harder to rock your world every day but if you are stuck, perhaps one or more of these tips will help you.


  1. Shahrzad Arasteh on October 23, 2010 at 3:19 pm

    Great, practical (and fun) tips, Julie! How great to talk with Dawn or another friend as you walk…I can see how that would make it fun. The tip about using colored pencils is really neat. I’ll have to borrow that idea (love pencils, color, and writing things down!).

    Have a lovely weekend!


  2. Shahrzad Arasteh on October 23, 2010 at 3:21 pm

    Sorry, that should’ve been “pens.” I’ll probably use colored pencils too, since I like using them for cards and other creative projects 🙂

    • Julie Walraven on October 23, 2010 at 3:42 pm

      Thanks for double comments! It does help. I still need more discipline (or more energy), there’s never enough time in the day…

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

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You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.