When change is all you’ve got – adapt!

You hear people complaining about change regularly. They complain about change in the workplace, at home, in technology, in government, and even at church.

Change is hard, we have to give up the familiar

As you press forward in life, you will face many changes. The job seekers I work with are often also career changers. Their reasons for change differ:

  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Company closure
  • No room to grow
  • Too long at the company
  • Ready for a new challenge
  • Conflict with coworker
  • Personality clash with boss
  • Desire to change fields

Whatever the reason for the change, job seekers who work with me want to prepare with the right resume and LinkedIn strategy to win. I find that many of the people who choose me as their career marketing partner want career happiness, not just a job. They want their employer to value them and want to contribute to an ethical and forward-thinking company.

How do you prepare for change?

Regular readers may notice that my website has also changed. The Headway theme I used since 2010 was not being supported by developers anymore, which put it at risk for hacking. My old theme couldn’t support mobile well and as we all know, increasingly people access the web from phones and tablets.

It has been a journey this year. Fortunately after some missed steps, I hired Raul Colon from Limonade, Inc. to take the website to the next level. Sometimes job seekers do that same thing. I have been hired many times when a brand new resume just didn’t hit the mark. Fortunately, I knew Raul for years and he was there when I needed him.

Please explore the new website and enjoy seeing it evolve to even better things.

Everything gets old and outdated

My former website was old much like many resumes grow out of style. It took someone with expertise and experience to bring me to a new platform. Job seekers find themselves amazed when I share current samples in our preliminary Project Roadmap strategic planning session. If they didn’t know before, they now know their resume formatting, writing, strategy, and mindset is outdated.

Just like my website though modified often since 2010 launch (less than 8 years ago), resumes grow old. I conduct extensive research to make sure the advice I give my clients is current, accurate, and will work for their particular need.

Are you using outdated job search materials? Is your resume ready if someone asked you for it tomorrow? Does it meet current standards? Can you be found on LinkedIn?

I help job seekers reach their goals. If you are not reaching your goals, let’s talk.

Photo Credit: Sebastien Wiertz

Resume Design and Job Seeking Tips

Here are Design Resumes' latest articles on job search, resume design, resume writing, and Linkedin optimization articles I've written.

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

Here are ways I can help you land your dream job.

You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.