The successful social media job search secret is networking

Using social media job search as a networking tool is a bit of an art. I guide job seekers with my comprehensive LinkedIn training. We know LinkedIn as the professional networking platform. The question is whether you can use other social media platforms for job search too.

What makes for successful social media job search?

Though LinkedIn has a job board, when you leverage social media in job search, you aren’t looking for job postings.

I bet I confused you, right? The emphasis on social media job search has to be on the networking component.

Conversation is key to networking

If conversation is key to networking, the key to successful social media job search is relationship building. Even if you’re an introvert, shy, or not good at relationship building, social media actually still works.

Facebook is often maligned because of all the political issues, but if you ignore those topics, you can successfully network on social media.

3 keys to successful networking on Facebook

  • Be kind
  • Show interest in others
  • Create interesting content

Before you decide you don’t have interesting content to share, think again! In the past week, I had dialogues with people about the weather, dogs, my tree takedown, food, and more. I share photos, videos, comment and like other people’s posts. Many of my former and existing clients are connected with me on Facebook so I get to know them as people. They are also connected on LinkedIn. I appreciate the ongoing relationships that continue for years.

Why you should stay away from politics on Facebook

I find that politics breaks relationships and rarely builds them. If you are a politician or your livelihood relies on politics then Facebook is an appropriate vehicle for you. But if not, avoid the temptation and if you share or comment, make sure you know it is true.

When you vent your feelings on Facebook you may be alienating the next employer or someone else who can help you in your job search. If you are a business person who relies on word of mouth, be careful of politics, you can alienate your next customer or business alliance.

In a future post, I will talk about using Twitter and other social media but the same concepts apply.

Consider social media as a place to grow your connections, build relationships, become top of mind, and have fun while doing it.

I help job seekers find the career of their dreams in an interactive setting, using video technology to write and coach live with you. If you are curious, let’s talk.

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

Here are ways I can help you land your dream job.

You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.