What are you willing to do to be successful?

Most people stop short of success. Not everyone but many people are not willing to put in the work to be successful. Doesn’t matter if that success is in job search, their job, or life in general. Most people stop short of being willing to put in the work to be successful.

What are you willing to do to be successful?

Ponder that. Then analyze what it is that you want to be successful in and model those people who have achieved the level of success that you want. You will find commonalities.

  1. Prioritize focus. A musician who is passionate about his music doesn’t work on everything at once. He builds the basics, practices the basics, and hones in on the areas of music that create passion. Even with innate abilities, they may be able to visualize the sonic landscape better than you or I but the difference is they focus on what they love.
  2. Practice. Musician, artist, builder, writer, designer, scientist, or engineer. They practice. Experiment. Test. Discover. They continue to learn how to be better.
  3. Study. Curious and investigative minds keep them looking at others to find ways to improve. Research, analyze, and discover new ways to make their craft better. Don’t stop just because they think they have it right.
  4. Invest. What ever the passion, invest to get the right education, the right resources, the right tools to become better at what they do.
  5. Don’t give up. If you know of anyone who has risen to the top, they put in the hours and don’t let failures get in the way of their goals. If frustrated when things don’t fall into place, they keep right at it, perfecting their craft with every try.

How can you be successful in your career or job search?

Emulate the model above. Your success will be determined the same way.

  1. Prioritize your focus. You can’t apply to every job on the planet because that isn’t focused enough. Specify your target and direction so that you are focused on a specific goal.
  2. Practice. Not only practice the job search strategies though that is good too but practice whatever it is you do. If you are still working in the field, do the work better. Practice making a difference where you are. If you are outside of the field, find ways to practice in small ways, internships, clinicals, or volunteer roles.
  3. Study. Too many people think they are done learning when they graduate. To be successful, you need to put an attitude of lifelong learning in place. Study your field. Stay on the cutting edge. Watch for innovation. Share ideas with others in your field.
  4. Invest. Make sure you are willing to access the right resources to get to your goal. You are talking about income that could help you the rest of your life. Make sure you invest in the right tools to get you to an income-producing point.
  5. Don’t give up. When you want to be successful, you have to recognize that it isn’t always easy and you will hit bumps along the way but the perseverance that come from keeping on keeping on will be rewarded in the end.

Are you the person who will be successful?

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

Here are ways I can help you land your dream job.

You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.