When faced with challenges, have a back up plan!

photo by photosteve101
In my world, a non-working application or technology will throw havoc into my life. I live on my laptop and I pretty much live on the Internet. When those things don’t work, I feel like Michael, the lead character in Burn Notice: “When spies get fired, they don’t get a letter from human resources. They get BURNED…”
In the show, Michael is forced to use his resources, friends, and ingenuity to figure out solutions now that he has no connections to his former agency.
My latest computer crisis
I’m not a spy but Design Resumes doesn’t have a full support IT department behind me or unlimited resources. When something goes wrong, I have to figure out if I need to call someone or if I can solve it myself.
My latest issue began yesterday morning when Outlook which opened normally suddenly switched to opening only the sidebar with my folders and not the actual e-mail list or reading area. In other words, I couldn’t open any e-mails. Critical to my business is the ability to communicate, send files, and read client and other business e-mails.
The back up plan
Ever since I started my business, I had someone I relied on for tech support, just in case. For more than 15 years, I had Dan from Fritzel’s Business Systems supplying my tech support. Dan decided to retire and I sourced for a new tech support person. Lucy from PC Confusion Solution was recommended and she has been working on my systems ever since. And she is working on the latest crisis. Just in case, though, because Lucy has a life, I took note when on my walk, a Facebook friend explained that her husband’s business is computers. Always have a back up plan!
Career back up plans
Sometimes when you work for a great company and love your work, you think you don’t need a career back up plan. But you really do. Many people have figured this out since the latest recession and economic downturn but a few still think they are invincible and will never be downsized or “burned.”
What should be your career back up plan?
- Is your resume ready to go? Do you have it full of accomplishments? A recent client called yesterday after he met with a recruiter. He said she asked for my name because in all her years of reading resumes she had never seen such an outstanding resume. She had his old one previously but the new one blew her away. I told my client that he had all the information in his head, my job was to get it out and present it. He said he knew that but he couldn’t do it alone. Sometimes you do need help.
- What does your online presence look like? A few years ago, it didn’t matter as much. Now, all my clients get the recommendation to develop a LinkedIn profile and most of the time, I do it for them. We collaborate to make sure that profile is keyword-driven and showcases even more of the best possible solutions they offer the next company.
- Do you know how to search for a job? If you are only relying on Monster or Career Builder and have no networking plan, you are most likely going to be looking for a long time. A client yesterday asked that question. She wanted to know what to do next. I asked her where her contacts are and how comfortable she is networking. She enjoys it. So she knows what to do. But I am here to help her formulate that plan.
Always have a back up plan! Life happens. You could get burned. Know what you are going to do if the worst case happens and if possible have the plan in place before the worst case scenario evolves.
Resume Design and Job Seeking Tips
Here are Design Resumes' latest articles on job search, resume design, resume writing, and Linkedin optimization articles I've written.
Julie Walraven
Professional Resume Writer
Here are ways I can help you land your dream job.
You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.