How to keep your job search momentum going

image by Thomas Guest
Every day I run into job seekers somewhere who are disillusioned. They are trying so hard and can’t seem to keep their momentum going. This economy has made it hard for everyone from job seeker to entrepreneur to the elderly with investments. It is easy to get disillusioned and sometimes that leads to people giving up or worse.
You are trying so hard and all you want is a break. You want it to be your turn. You are tired of it not working out. As a job seeker, you have tried to do it all right and yet you find no success.
What are my pearls of wisdom to get your momentum going?
- First of all, don’t be afraid to tell someone how you are feeling. When you struggle with problems all by yourself, you will end up wallowing in it and not achieve success. Share your thoughts with a real friend or a trusted family member. Here are 8 solid steps to restore and reinvigorate your routine after job loss.
- Make sure you are taking good care of yourself. If you are stuck in a rut, while you are stalking the elusive career or new position, take time to eat well, exercise, and enjoy the outdoors.
- Don’t turn to substances to escape or to find your momentum. It will not work and it may create a new problem. If you decide that a bottle or a bunch of pills are the answer, you will find it more difficult to keep moving at all. Lethargy will kick in or worse, you may be one of those who either hurts others or yourself when using substances.
- Don’t play the blame game. It will make things worse.
- If you truly have trouble moving forward, ask for help from a professional. A trained counselor can often find the baggage that you are hiding which may have nothing to do with your job search.
- Of course, if you wonder if it is your career marketing materials are the cause of your loss of momentum, asking for help from a career professional like myself is always a good idea. And though it may be an investment for you, getting past the frustration can be worth it. Shortened job searches because you are using the right materials and searching the right way can yield great payback for your investment.
Whatever you decide, you need to do something if you find yourself disillusioned. Perhaps something on my list above will help you get your momentum going!
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You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.