Start with Exercise

Photo by familymwr
If you asked me to list my personal top goal of 2011 that would change the most from how I did things in 2010, it would be this one. Start with Exercise is #5 in the You have to START to Finish series.
I loved 2010. It was the first year I marketed and ran my business, Design Resumes, with a total focus. If you have been here before, you know I have been blogging regularly throughout 2010. I also increased my client base and reach substantially which meant I was on the computer much. I love technology and social networking so it never seems like work which means that I easily get out of balance.
Sitting in my chair too much has resulted in more weight and less agility. I adhere to the rule that you are only as old as you think you are but I have to admit that I am feeling older than I would like right now.
How am I going to Start with Exercise in 2011?
- I have already asked one of my clients, the young cardiac exercise physiologist, Joel, if he would create a plan for me and work with me to make it happen. We have to set a budget yet but I know his attitude and commitment will help me.
- I am checking my blood pressure again because I know it is one of the risk factors that Joel will evaluate before he creates a plan.
- If necessary, I have a referral for a new physician if I have to have medical advice before starting a program.
- I know what my limitations are. Working out in a gym doesn’t work for me. I need things I can do here. I already have the exercise bike my father-in-law doesn’t need any more so I will start seriously using that again. I had a successful program going a few years ago resulted in significant weight loss so I will do some of that again.
- I will remember that Joel told me that frequent exercise throughout the day is more effective than my 1 hour 3 mile walks in the warm months so I will do little things all day long.
- However, when things do warm up (it’s 1F right now), I will do the things that make me happy such as walking my 3 mile walk with Teddy to the river and working on the gardens and yard here.
- I will know that water is critical to being fit and I will increase the water I drink and remind myself to drink it. I will work on keeping healthy foods in my diet so I can be productive and reach my goals.
I know that’s a long list but that’s how I achieve what I want to do. I figure out steps to take that work for me and I make sure they are visible. You can use this strategy for anything you want to change in your life.
If you want a new job:
- You figure out who you need to help you reach your goals.
- You make sure any obstacles are out of your way.
- You ask for referrals for help.
- You understand your limitations so you can tailor your search to effective targets.
- You don’t try to accomplish it all in one long marathon campaign but rather in smaller steps.
- You do things to make you happy along the way.
- You take care of yourself.
Exercise is on many people’s lists of goals. Do you have a plan for the other goals you want to achieve in 2011? You have to START to finish, you know!
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You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.
All good stuff here as usual … but number 5 is the one that speaks the loudest to me! All too often I strive for getting everything done when breaking things up into bite sized chunks make life so much easier. Interestingly, when taking on a larger, more complicated jewellery commission, this isn’t a problem; each intricate step is well thought out and, well, savoured! Hmm, how to transfer that to other areas of life…
Thanks, Gee! The everything done concept affects me too and only when I try to take little bites do I succeed in my goals. My ability to be creative gets hampered when there are too many unfinished things surrounding me.
Hi Henway, when it is as cold as it is here in Wisconsin, I find it very hard to stay motivated which is why I write blog posts like this one. It can help the job seekers too who need to keep moving to keep their attitude up.
I love this: “You have to START to finish.”
That’s really key, isn’t it? I too am trying to be less sedentary this year, so have been using the elliptical machine we have at home more regularly. It’s a complete pain for the first 5 minutes or so (who am I kidding, it’s a complete pain the entire time!). So what I do is tell myself I’ll stop once I make it to “X” minutes. Before I know it, I have long surpassed “X” and complete the workout.
I’m also trying to mix it up this year. I love dancing, so have signed up for dance classes. Went to the first one yesterday, which was a hoot (especially because I was reminded of how much my body has to re-learn) – but the variation will, I hope, keep me moving.
Those are principles I apply in work too. Especially when there’s something I don’t want to do, I tell myself I’ll do just a bit of it… and forcing myself to “start” gets me into the groove enough to finish. And I change around the types of tasks I have to do, so that I don’t get bored with what I’m doing.
Great points, Shonali and I saw your dancing shoes on FB. I think the key is always keep moving. I try to do the same but I have to work on so many areas. See start with organization or start with balance. I wrote those as much for me as anyone else, a reference point. You can give me a nudge on Twitter now and then! Great to see you here!