How to face starting over again

image by sfslim

A resume writers most important tool is Microsoft Word. For the last few months, Word has not been working right. To fix this, I researched, asked experts, and tried a number of fixes. Finally, my tech support specialist and I decided reformatting the computer was the best fix overall. For some people, this is normal routine but not for me. Since I live on a computer, the loss of even part of a day is horrifying.

Ok, I shouldn’t be so attached to technology. But then there is the added uncertainty of trusting my restore process. In my case, I use Carbonite. As I write this, Carbonite is still putting things in place. It says it has 17 hours left right now. I have to trust that all my files will return and that all will work once again.

At the same time, this blog and the MarketingResults blog both were hit by malware. This blog is restored but the other one still needs my attention. When all of these things happen, it is upsetting and when it seems like everything is happening at once, it is even more upsetting.

Job seekers face the starting over syndrome too.

I understand how they feel. For me, technology working assures me that I can deliver my services and my blogs working means that people who might become my clients can learn more about me and contact me to explore working with me. Essentially, working technology and blogs means I can put food on the table and pay the mortgage.

Sound familiar? When you need to find a way to keep your family fed, pay your mortgage or rent, and keep your life running, the interruption of income can make you very nervous. For some people, it is very scary. Initiating a job search in this economy is stressful and when you can’t visualize what the future will hold, some people tend to panic.

I’ve been self-employed longer than most people have been employed in a specific position. I know what it feels like to have that uncertainty facing you.

I also know that I will be on the other side of the current challenges soon. There is always feast and famine in the self-employed world. You just learn to cope with it.

If you are currently unemployed or unhappy with your current position and frightened about the future, take heart. You will come to the other side too.



  1. Mark Anthony Dyson on August 15, 2011 at 7:32 am

    Thank you for such a profound thought. People equate jobs with finances when unemployment affect relationships. That’s why I love self-employment. You can overcome famine easier with fulfilling family relationships that bring joy.

    • Julie Walraven on August 17, 2011 at 3:20 pm

      Good point, Marc. Unemployment or unhappy employment does stress relationships. I have never considered going back to employment in the 27+ years I have been self-employed. It has been tough many times… even in a good economy but we pull through.

  2. Recruiting Animal on August 15, 2011 at 7:36 am

    Julie, this is a great video. I used the same technique myself when I got hit by the Home Security Virus.

    I read about SuperAntiSpyware on another blog and @Jerry_Albright’s brother passed on the info about Malwarebytes.

    I didn’t install AntiVir because I was using it when I got hit. I switched to Avast.

    Also, on one of my computers, after solving the problem my icons would not link to the programs they represented so @AmitaiGivertz found me a free downloadable program that solved that problem.

  3. Recruiting Animal on August 15, 2011 at 7:39 am

    Oh, your blog was hit by malware not your computer. Well, it’s a good video anyway

    • Julie Walraven on August 15, 2011 at 8:52 am

      I’ll read through your first comment and see the video later but actually it is relevant. My computer is undergoing a reformat and reinstall at the same time because it had issues. It had Trojans caught by Kaspersky. I replaced McAfee with Kaspersky when the trouble started but it was too late already. I don’t even know what caused what…

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

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