How to put the pieces back together

How to put the pieces back togetherYou’re going to see a common theme for a little bit here on this blog. I am focused on getting my laptop and blogs working again and every time something comes together, I breathe a sigh of relief.

Every step is challenging. You never realize how many things your computer knows until you don’t have it.

As I put things back together, I realize more things (passwords, website links I took for granted, other files that I never notice I am using) are needed to make things work the right way.

Just to write this blog post, I need certain things. Obviously, I need WordPress and Headway working. But since I use Flickr for my photos and images, I need to get in to it. More passwords, more thinking.

Where is the creative commons page I always use? Oh, I knew who to ask but being stubborn, I found it on my own.

Confusion when there is change

When things change, you often feel confused. This challenging technology period has made me feel that way many times.

Today I realized that I didn’t have the right drivers for my keyboard and mouse. I found those after studying model numbers and images and got it installed and configured.

Then I still am struggling with why my en dash short cut no longer works, the one that changes my hyphen into the longer en dash. All the fixes I tried didn’t work.

When a friend on Skype shared a PDF file, I realized I needed to download a new Adobe Reader. See the pattern?

Give yourself time to put the pieces back together

When you lose something whether it is technology, a job, or experience any other loss, you need to adjust. You have to put things back together. Things you take for granted might not be there anymore.

Sometimes you can recover them like I am loading new software, downloading drivers, and finding the way back to the tools I used and took for granted. Other times, you have more hurdles and the process will take much longer.

Ask for help when you need it

I know I have multiple experts to contact if things don’t function correctly and when I get to the point of needing help, I will ask. For some people, asking for help is very hard and they find themselves more and more confused.

Sometimes when we feel battered, we need to roll with the punches but other times, we really should just ask for help.

If you are in need of help with a problem, ask someone. It will definitely help you move forward.

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Image courtesy of nokhoog_buchachon at


  1. Walter on August 21, 2011 at 9:13 pm

    It’s really hard to put things back together when something goes wrong. When my blog had experienced problems sometime ago, I was really confused and don’t know where to start to get the pieces. It’s true what you say here, it’s better to ask for help than to wallow in confusion. 🙂

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

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