People (especially Resume Writers) love Success stories!

Photo by Search Engine People Blog
I was just getting the computer running this morning, letting Skype update and then randomly sent a little note to one of my clients I saw online. Last he popped in, he was done with the third round of interviews and had an offer in process.
So I sent him a Skype message: “Any News?” Even though the chat feature has no visuals, I could hear him ponder, “what did I tell you last?”
Then I quick flurry of chat lines came through, the first one saying: “I have resigned.” For a second, with no more information, I was concerned. Then in rapid succession, the rest of the story emerged. He starts work on February 14 as a Director for the new company. They are moving to a new area and culture but it was their target location. He’s excited!
I’m elated! As a resume writer and career coach, I play only a part in my client’s success story. I don’t go to the interviews to speak for them and it is their skills and talents that win them the new positions but I rejoice nonetheless.
I’m not alone, I know my colleagues feel the same. We share the success stories on Twitter and Facebook, letting people know there are people winning new positions.
In fact, I tweeted and posted a little bit of this story and this is the response I have gotten as I am writing the post. Nancy Collamer tweeted:
Kudos. Love hearing news like this! RT @JulieWalraven: Just got my first client success story of 2011! Hired!
And Kimberly Roden responded on FB: Congrats to BOTH of you Julie!
Jonathan Krass chimed in with: “First of many, I’m sure!” Jonathan is on the other side now. But it wasn’t long ago he was in search mode too. He’s sitting in the hiring chair now.
Joann Capelle tweeted:
@JulieWalraven Just got my first client success story of 2011! Hired! starts in February at Director level! 🙂 <= Congrats 2 U both!
See, I told you! People want to hear the good news! I love the success stories of my clients and even with a random kind of tracking system started middle of last year, the numbers were going up and up. This year, I am going to try to touch base more often so we all can celebrate those successes. We’re going to see more of them in 2011. I know it!
Resume Design and Job Seeking Tips
Here are Design Resumes' latest articles on job search, resume design, resume writing, and Linkedin optimization articles I've written.
Julie Walraven
Professional Resume Writer
Here are ways I can help you land your dream job.
You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.
Cheers to many success stories in 2011 Julie 🙂
Thanks, Mark. It has been fairly crazy busy so far this year. I look forward to a shift in the economy so everyone starts hearing success stories!
That is great news! There’s no doubt that you played a big part in your client’s success, Julie 🙂 Always wonderful to hear these stories!
And hearing back from clients is a wonderful thing. I love to celebrate with them, plus it feels great knowing that I’ve have made a positive difference in their lives.
Yes, Melissa, I am going to be working harder to make sure I try to instill a desire for my clients to stay connected through the process from now on. Since many of them are finding me through LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter now, it may be easier to keep those connections going and know what is happening. Like you, the YAYs keep me going!
Congratulations to you and your client, Julie, that’s great!
But I gotta tell you, it isn’t just resume writers and coaches who love good news. Other job seekers *also* want to hear that. Because a landing means yes, people are hiring, so pick up your game!
Yes, you are right, Ed. One Success helps everyone feel hope. You have picked up your game, hopefully soon, it will be your success story we hear!