Where are you supposed to be?

Where are you supposed to be?Key to finding the right career for you is knowing where you are supposed to be. Many people fall into a career without thinking about it. Some are more deliberate but yet don’t find that their first career plan took them in the right direction. I talked about this in my last post. But what really matters is that if you are in the wrong place and you know it, you start on the path to get to the right place.

There are more solutions than ever before today. If you are in the wrong place, you can change it. You just have to figure out the steps.

Lots of education but no degree

I have met many people who are so close to finishing a degree. Many of them even have more credits than a Bachelor’s degree normally requires. But they just let them sit. Today there are opportunities to have career centers evaluate your credits and even factor in some life experience in some cases or test out of other courses to decide whether you have already earned a degree. In addition, once that is done, there is the potential to take courses online if you are short just a few credit hours. If you are one of those people who is close, take steps to find out how to solve it. Call or visit your closest university career office and let them figure it out for you.

Specialized skills but no certifications

Many of my clients have in-depth knowledge of many topics but have never pursued a certification to prove that they mastered a skill set. If you know there is a certification in your field that could make you more marketable, find out what it is and check out reputable places that offer the certifications. Many professional organizations will certify their members.

Entrepreneurial desire but no business plan or funding

If you are one of those people with a great business idea and the talent to execute it, maybe this is the time for you to follow through. Marketing online through social media and blogs like this one makes it easier to build a national or even global clientele. There are resources to learn entrepreneurial skills and even funding sources like peer funding and things like Kickstarter that can generate backers throughout the world if you have that one great idea.

Training and skills you never used

Sometimes people are fully trained in a skill set but life got in the way and they never worked in the field. How hard is it for you to get up to speed? Perhaps it is time to take a big step. It might mean a move but maybe this is the time in your life when you are less tied to a specific part of the country.

Are you seeing limitations or opportunity?

Too many people see limitations where there is plenty of opportunity. If this is you, figure it out and take the first step.

Need help? While job search is often painful, I take the pain out of writing your resume and even make it fun with a personalized, interactive process. Hire me, Julie Walraven, Certified Master Resume Writer.  Click Here.

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

Here are ways I can help you land your dream job.

You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.