Can you do a Twitter Job Search?

How does Twitter job search change your search? Can you tweet your way to a new job? Maybe, some people have!

What is Twitter anyway?

At a Chamber event, Gerald Mortenson of Flapjack Creative introduced the audience to the complex concept of social media marketing by opening Twitter and writing, “I’m having mashed potatoes.”

He asked the audience if this was their impression of Twitter. Everyone laughed. But for many people, that is their impression.

When I first came to Twitter in fall of 2008, I knew nothing. I started noticing interesting people talking on Twitter.

How I learned to use Twitter and discover how does Twitter fit

I found people who knew how to use this new tool and followed them. As I followed bloggers, career experts, and marketing people, I found interesting people. I researched, connected, and learned, much like a sponge, about tools to make Twitter work better and easier to track, like Tweetdeck.

Friendships and connections grew by talking with people. The words “authentic” and “transparent” are big in social media but to me they come naturally. I like connecting with people and I like helping. My initial Twitter experience was very positive.

It wasn’t Twitter not working, it was me.

Then whitewater season rolled in and with marketing and river hours as Wausau Whitewater’s Operations Manager, I didn’t tweet much. I grew disconnected.

When I came back in the fall, I felt lost and thought Twitter didn’t work for me anymore.

But as I started connecting again with people I knew before and meeting new friends, I found that it wasn’t Twitter not working, it was me.

How can a Twitter job search help?

You might be lucky enough to be in the right place with the right people at the right time to directly be offered a job on Twitter. But more likely, if you incorporate Twitter as part of your networking strategy with an online and a “real life” component, you will grow connections. 

You will find that using Twitter as an online job search tool will open new doors. One more tool in your arsenal of job search strategies to help you find new connections.

Connections I met first on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook turned into “real life” lunch meetings.

Converting those conversations with people you value doesn’t happen instantly.

It won’t happen with everyone but it can happen. I created business alliances with people on social media and connected with new clients.

Does Twitter fit in your job search? Can it happen, yes! Learn to use the tools and to be “authentic” and “transparent.” Honestly, that’s how I want my real life friends, colleagues, business partners, and clients to be too! Honest, real, trustworthy, caring, brave, and truthful.

What do you think? and what else would you like to know about how to use Twitter?

Do you know how to launch a Twitter job search?

What tricks, tips, and tools would you like to know better? #hashtags, what are those anyway? You can find me on Twitter here.

To get your career or job search launched with an outstanding resume and career marketing strategies, simply click here!


  1. TJ on December 16, 2009 at 4:18 pm

    You do?

    (btw… interesting post Julie, thanks!)

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Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Julie Walraven

Professional Resume Writer

Here are ways I can help you land your dream job.

You may be halfway across the country or the world. When you work with me, we share coffee, laughs, and concerns. This turns the scary job search into creative, consultative writing and learning sessions.