3 tips for coping with change

Photo by jpctalbot
It’s November and I live in Wisconsin. To you readers in Florida and Arizona or other warm clients that will mean nothing to you. But to those of you who have weathered a Wisconsin or northern winter or two, you know that this means the end of warm weather and the challenge of snow and ice.
I live on top of a hill. But I work from home. So good points. Bad points. It is challenging to get from point A to Point B once the ice and snow starts but I can keep working on my client projects and with my clients without worrying about weather.
Still, I find myself thinking about all the projects outside that I didn’t quite get finished. In Wisconsin, that pretty much means that it will be April or later before I get to work on them again. I wanted to expand the raspberry bed and even laid out the area but never got to digging it. Ground is almost frozen now. I never bought the tulip bulbs that I have had good intention to plant for the last 5 years or more.
Strategies for coping with change or job loss
Perhaps you too have those projects too that get sidelined and goals and dreams that you just can’t seem to get to, right? It isn’t necessarily the November weather and climate stopping your progress, but maybe there are other things stopping you from moving forward.
- Accept what you can’t change — Short of moving to Florida, I can’t change my weather. It will be the same no matter what I do. If you have lost your job, you need to accept that it is gone. Tough words but you can’t change the circumstances.
- Figure out what you can do different next time. I could have scheduled more time outside. Giving myself permission to work on the garden projects next year when it is warm would stop it from happening again. If you are experiencing trouble at work or you lost your job, assess what you can do different next time. Make sure you are at the top of your game.
- Plan ahead. I can spend some time pre-planning the garden and yard for next year. Researching seeds in garden catalogs and studying the impact of the soil condition on how things grow. You can do your own research on how to improve your resume, write a better cover letter, or practice your interview skills.
So, can you add to my 3 tips for coping with change? Any thoughts you’d like to share?
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Acceptance can bring such relief – a relief from the effort of going against the flow without any hope of success. It can also open the mind to learning from our mistakes and thinking about what we could try as an alternative. These mindsets are really tough without that first step of acceptance. I keep reading these posts, Julie, and find that they apply to so many parts of life – as well as in the context of searching for a new job. Thanks, as always. Gee.
Thanks, Gee, they do apply to many parts of our lives and truthfully, I believe that our careers, our work, or our job intertwine with our lives so completely. I write from the career marketing perspective but much of my experience is derived from life in general and / or my own business. I can’t disconnect the two and I think that has been what has made me effective in the last 20+ years. My clients come for a project but really they come to sort things out. If this blog can do the same thing for people that I may never work with, then all is good.
Wonderful analogy. I have found hindsight to be 20/20, a good thing and a bad thing. It is good as long as I’ve implemented ways to fix things moving forward.
Making more time to network is, in my mind, the one thing I wish all employees did. It is almost too late to build this network once you are unemployed.
Happy Thanksgiving and great post as always!
The second one is tricky, to be sure. Determining what could be done differently is important to avoiding the same mistakes, but it’s one that a lot of people don’t want to face.
Once when I was working with a client who had been laid off for some time, we got on to this topic. He was absolutely convinced that he didn’t need to change a thing. A very sad stance to take, in my opinion, because there’s always room for improvement.